Post by molebrain on Mar 29, 2017 13:24:15 GMT
So, I'm really having a good time with my c-128 now that I have my 80 columns up and running...but I'm just curious as to what the highest resolution I can get my C-128 to? I don't think i have the VDC memory to view any of the VDC mania things. Just curious.
Post by mirkosoft on Mar 29, 2017 20:53:02 GMT
Unexpanded, if you mean flat and D, has for VDC 16k RAM, so it allows to use monochome graphic mode 640x200, but allows also color 640x136 pixels in 8x2 color attributes. Text modes have more choices. VIC-IIe allows 320x400 Real Interlace. DCR has unexpanded 64k VDC RAM... So, there fits graphic mode 800x600 monochrome. Color modes cannot reach more than 640H. But text modes are much more variable... Look at thread about new higher resolution of VDC - 1024x200, or even 1280x200...