Post by jmpff3d on Nov 26, 2018 15:49:26 GMT
Herne Data Systems does it again !
CPM7.TXT rev 1a 96-11-01
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Herne Data Systems Ltd.,
PO Box 250, Tiverton, ON N0G 2T0 CANADA.
Voice/fax 519-366-2732,
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
C-128 CP/M Memory Map
The memory map of the C-128 is complicated to say the least. It
is even more complicated in CP/M mode because the CP/M operating
system is largely RAM based and, thus, the memory map changes
with the CP/M version number and with operating system
enhancements, modifications, etc.. This document presents a map
of the memory configurations used in CP/M mode. It is not
claimed to be complete, but is a very useful starting point for
your own explorations. The map was compiled by painstakingly
cross checking the CP/M system source code files against the
various memory areas using various memory dumping tools (some
specially written for this project). The labels for the various
memory locations are taken from the CP/M system source code
There are currently four official versions of C-128 CP/M
generally available (apart from various beta test versions), as
denoted by the dates displayed on boot up or by pressing the <F8>
key. There are some major differences in the memory maps of each
version. For clarity, these are defined here as:
AUG = Version dated 1 Aug 85
DEC = Versions dated 6 Dec 85 or 8 Dec 85
MAY = Version dated 28 May 87
A fifth version can be derived from the MAY version by re-
assembling the source code files with the VT-100 emulation option
enabled. (For a full description of how to do this, see the
section in the Customizing C-128 CP/M document entitled 'Adding
VT-100 Support'.) In this map it will be referred to as MAY-VT
where there is a difference between it and the regular MAY
version. Where not specifically noted, it the same as the MAY
It is recognized that there are many 'unofficial' or heavily
customized versions of CP/M for the C-128 which various people
have created. In these cases, generally only the BANK 0 ROM;
keyboard definition and parameter storage areas in low BANK 0
memory; the BANK 1 zero page; I/O register areas; and the high
common RAM parameter areas will be unchanged. Fortunately, most
of the other important system areas can be found easily by
tracing the documented vectors in the BANK 1 zero page and the
FDxx memory areas.
There are also significant differences in the memory map
depending on which processor is currently in use (the Z-80 or
8502) . This is important even in CP/M mode because most of the
low level BIOS routines, such as standard serial port operations
(some disk operations and all printer output), RAM disk
operations, etc. use the 8502 mode.
Z-80 operations
BANK 0 : MMU configuration register value $3F, or preconfig
register #1 (FF01)
BANK 0 is the system bank. The CP/M ROM's, BIOS and BDOS operate
primarily in this bank. Calls can be made by transient programs
via the Bank 0/1 common memory portion above E000.
0000 to 0FFF Z-80 ROM code (This code must be moved to bank 1
to be examined.) The entry points
are as follows:
Z-80 Restart (RST) routines:
0000 RST 0 COLD BOOT routine which takes over when
the C-128 is first powered up or the
reset button is pushed. The routine
continues at 003B.
0008 RST 1 CP/M BOOT routine which is responsible
for loading the CPM+.SYS file.
Continues at 018C.
0010 RST 2 Entry point for executing main Z-80 ROM
functions. Continues with RST 4.
0018 RST 3 Entry point for executing main Z-80 ROM
functions. Continues with RST 5.
0020 RST 4 Continuation of RST 2. Adjusts address
vector lo byte then falls through to RST
0028 RST 5 Get ROM function address from vector
table and execute.
0030 RST 6 Used to indicate ROM date. Contains
ASCII text of: 05/12/85
0038 RST 7 Jump to interupt handler at FDFD.
003B Continue with COLD BOOT, set VIC speed to 1 MHz,
test for mode, /EXROM, /GAME, etc.
0054 Go to C-64 mode.
00B4 Part of CP/M boot code. Locate 'CPM+.SYS' file in
CP/M directory and load if found.
00ED Filename to look for on cold boot:
BYT 0 'CPM+ SYS' 0
0100 ROM function execution address vector table for
RST 4 and RST 5. Each is 2 bytes long in lo/hi
format. Note that separate routines are provided
for the 40 and 80 column screens.
ROM function# Points to Purpose
0100 0 0684 write character in .D to 80
col screen and advance cursor.
0102 2 096E 40 col
0104 4 06AB set 80 col cursor position
.D = line, .E = column
0106 6 09BC 40 col
0108 8 06C2 move 80 col cursor up one line
010A A 09DD 40 col
010C C 06D1 move 80 col cursor down one
010E E 09F1 40 col
0110 10 06DD move 80 col cursor left one
0112 12 0A31 40 col
0114 14 06E8 move 80 col cursor right one
0116 16 0A3C 40 col
0118 18 06F1 do a carriage return (go to
col 0) on 80 col
011A 1A 0A45 40 col
011C 1C 077A erase to end of line, 80 col
011E 1E 0A48 40 col
0120 20 0780 erase to end of screen, 80 col
0122 22 0A62 40 col
0124 24 0791 insert a char, 80 col
0126 26 0A8E 40 col
0128 28 07CA erase a char, 80 col
012A 2A 0ABA 40 col
012C 2C 07DC insert a line, 80 col
012E 2E 0ADF 40 col
0130 30 081E erase a line, 80 col
0132 32 0B2D 40 col
0134 34 071B set character color, 80 col
0136 36 0B7B 40 col
0138 38 0710 set character attribute, 80
013A 3A 0B62 40 col
013C 3C 091C get character and attribute,
80 col
013E 3E 0995 40 col
0140 40 0927 output char and attribute, 80
0142 42 09A2 40 col
0144 44 074E get character, background and
border colors and current
attribute, 80 col
0146 46 0BAE 40 col
0148 48 00EB (not used: code at EB is XOR A
: RET)
014A 4A 00EB (not used)
014C 4C 00EB (not used)
014E 4E 00EB (not used)
0150 50 03E3 convert GCR logical track# in
@TRK to physical track and
sector in VICTRK and VICSEC.
0152 52 046B check GCR disk type SS or DS,
C-128 CP/M (CBM boot code
present) or C-64 CP/M.
0154 54 0CFA output a sound from SID chip.
0156 56 00EB (not used)
0158 58 00EB (not used)
015A 5A 00EB (not used)
015C 5C 00EB (not used)
015E 5E 00EB (not used)
0160 60 0C3C get logical position of cursor
on physical 80 col screen for
pseudo 80 col mapping.
0162 62 0C4A set logical position of cursor
on pseudo 80 col screen.
0164 64 0BCF copy line from 80 col pseudo
screen to physical 40 col
0166 66 0C0C copy 40 col window from pseudo
80 col screen to 40 col screen
0168 68 0526 print message from pointer on
top of stack, ending in 0 byte
to both 40 and 80 col screens
(used during boot).
016A 6A 0532 print message from pointer in
.DE, ending with '$' to both
40 col and 80 col screens.
016C 6C 052C print XOR encrypted message
from pointer in .HL, ending
with '$' to both 40 col and 80
col screens.(used for disk
status message?)
016E 6E 00EB (not used)
0170 70 0C7F convert ASCII to screen code
for 40 col display.
0172 72 0CC2 set 40 col cursor position in
80 col pseudo screen.
0174 74 0CC7 set 80 col cursor position in
video RAM.
0176 76 0CE4 look up physical color in
logical color table.
0178 78 00EB (not used)
017A 7A 083D do a block fill on 80 col
video RAM.
017C 7C 08AE do a block move on 80 col
video RAM.
017E 7E 0660 copy character set to 80 col
video RAM.
0180 JUMP to 090A (screen character and attribute
print routine)
0183 JUMP to 0933 (get 80 col character and
0186 JUMP to 0953 (set 80 col update address)
0189 JUMP to 0945 (wait for 80 col update status)
Continuation of ROM routines. (Note: routines described above in
the vector table have been omitted for brevity.)
018C Continuation of RST 1 (CP/M cold boot)
02D2 Read boot sector (track 1, sector 0)
0324 Load CPM+.SYS records from disk
03E3 Convert block number to physical track and sector
046B Check boot sector for 'CBM'
0480 Error handling for bad CPM+.SYS file
058C Print disk status message on line 25
05A6 Convert decimal number in .A to ASCII digits, and
print it
05B5 Print character in .A
05BD Install character set in 80 col RAM
0C7F Set up 40 col character set
0D1A 8502 code used in the C-128 reset procedure (moved
to BANK 0 RAM at 1100)
0D22 more 8502 code for various low level serial bus
procedures used duing boot up. Moved to BANK 0
RAM at 3000, but eventually replaced by BIOS
routines, then overwritten by the CCP.
0EE5 8502 code copied to FFD0 for switching on the Z-
0EF5 Z-80 code copied to FFE0 for switching on the
0F0A Decoding table used to convert physical color
codes into RGBI color codes
0F1A 80 col char. bit map for: ASCII 92 ( \ back slash)
0F22 ASCII 94 ( ^ caret)
0F2A ASCII 95 ( _ underscore)
0F32 ASCII 96 ( ` reverse apostrophe)
0F3A ASCII 123 ( { left brace)
0F42 ASCII 124 ( | pipe)
0F4A ASCII 125 ( } right brace)
0F52 ASCII 126 ( ~ tilde)
0F5A ASCII 255
0F62 80 col char bit maps for 9 other various misc chars.
The following values are written to the MMU registers at D500 to
D50A during boot up:
0FAA Initial MMU configuration register (D500) value for
cold boot: 0D = Bank 0 RAM + BASIC LO ROM + CHAR ROM +
0FAB MMU preconfiguration register (D501 to D504) values
used during initialization of CP/M mode: 3F, 7F, 3E,
0FAF MMU mode configuration register (D505) initial value =
0FB0 RAM configuration register (D506) initial value = 0B
0FB1 Page 0 pointer lo/hi (D507-D508) initial values = 00 00
0FB3 Page 1 pointer lo/hi (D509-D50A) initial values = 01 00
0FB5 sector skew table for C-128 native CP/M GCR disks, 21
sectors/track region
0FCA 19 sectors/track region
0FDD 18 sectors/track region
0FEF 17 sectors/track region
Keyboard Tables
1000 to 128F SYSKEYAREA String data for programmable
function keys. Each key can be
defined as a string. Definitions
"float" (i.e. you do not have to
adjust any pointers elsewhere) and
are terminated by a zero byte.
Vector at FD0B points to this
table. The default key defintions
are given in the document "The
Console." 10B0 to 128F is not used
with the default function key
definition set. It is full of
FF's, but can be used for stashing
short temporary routines.
1290 to 13EF KEYCODES ASCII codes for each key, 4 values
for each key (normal, "alpha mode",
shift and control) arranged
according to key scan code. Note
that "alpha mode" defaults to
uppercase and is toggled on and off
by pressing the C= logo key. It is
equivalent to a software "caps
lock", but is not related to either
the hardware <caps lock> or <shift
lock> keys. The vector at FD09
points to 1290. The default key
assignments are given in "The
Console". The key code values are
as follows:
Value Meaning
0 null (equivalent to no
key press)
1 to 7F normal ASCII codes
(control codes, letters,
numbers, symbols, etc)
80 to 9F key has been programmed
as a string, which is
defined in SYSKEYAREA (32
possible "programmable"
A0 to AF 80 col character color
(<ctrl> with number keys
on main keyboard)
B0 to BF 80 col background color
(<ctrl> with number keys
on numeric keypad)
C0 to CF 40 col character color
D0 to DF 40 col background color
E0 to EF 40 col border color
F0 toggle disk status line
on/off (<ctrl>-
F1 system pause (<no-scroll>
F2 track cursor on 40 col
screen (<ctrl>-<no-
F3 move 40 col screen window
left 1 char (<ctrl>-
<cursor left> on the
cursor keypad above the
main keyboard is defined
as 4 F3's)
F4 move 40 col screen win
right 1 char (<ctrl>-
<cursor right> on the
cursor keypad above the
main keyboard is defined
as 4 F4's)
F5 unlock all locked MFM
disk types (<ctrl>-
F6 select ADM31 screen
emulation mode (<ctrl>-
<minus> on numeric
keypad) (MAY-VT version
only. Note: the toggle is
not implemented in the
standard issue system
file, but is available as
an option when re-
assembling the source
F7 select VT100 screen
emulation mode (<ctrl>-
<plus> on numeric keypad)
(MAY-VT version only,
note: VT-100 is not
implemented in the
standard issue system
file, but is available as
an option when re-
assembling the source
F8 to FE not currently defined
(reserved for future
FF do a system cold re-start
Notes: (1) when bit 7 of FD22 (STATENABLE) is on, key codes
of $80 and greater are returned to the calling program
without executing the special function as outlined
(2) FD4C contains a vector to the address of the table
of 16 bit execution addresses (low byte/high byte
format) of key codes F0 to FF. This vector, or the
individual vectors in the address table, can be changed
to point to your own custom code.
13F0 to 13FF COLORTBL logical color values 00, 11, 22,
... FF for use with <esc-esc-esc>
printing and A0 to EF key color
values. The vector at FD0D points
here. The low nibble at position
13F0+z (0x) is the physical color
assigned to the 80 column logical
color z. The high nibble is the
physical color for the 40 column
logical color z.
1400 to 1BCF SCREEN40 pseudo 80 column screen character
buffer for the 40 column screen
1C00 to 23CF COLOR40 pseudo 80 column screen color
buffer for 40 column screen
2400 BANKPARMBLK (misc. system parameters and flags)
Terminal Emulation Parameters
40 Column:
2402 CUROFFSET position counters used by psuedo 80
col screen
2404 OLDOFFSET for 40 col screen
2405 PRTFLG XOR mask value for printing 'coded'
2406 FLASHPOS cursor address in actual 40 col
screen RAM
2408 PAINTSIZE number of rows to move over for 40
col screen shift ($18 or $19)
2409 CHARADR40 pointer to current char in pseudo
screen RAM
240B CHARCOL40 40 col character position - column
240C CHARROW40 - screen row 0-24
240D ATTR40 40 col attribute (character color)
240E BGCOLOR40 background color
240F BDCOLOR40 border color
2410 REV40 reverse video flag
80 Column:
2411 CHARADR pointer to current char in 80 col
2413 CHARCOL 80 col character position - column
2414 CHARROW - screen row
2415 CURRENTATR 80 col attribute
bit 7: 0 = alternate (block
graphics) char set
1 = ASCII character set
6: 0 = normal video
1 = reverse video
5: 0 = no underline
1 = underline
4: 0 = no blink
1 = blink
3: 1 = red on
2: 1 = green on
1: 1 = blue on
0: 1 = intensity on
2416 BGCOLOR80 background color
2417 CHARCOLOR80 character color
2418 PARMBASE pointer to currently active
parameter set (40 or 80 col)
241A PARMAREA80 pointer to 80 col parameters
241D PARMAREA40 pointer to 40 col parameters
2420 BUFFER80COL temporary storage for 80 col video
2471 KEYBUF temporary storage buffer for
currently pressed key code
2488 CONTROL CODES flag for control/shift keys
pressed, and current character
bit key pressed
7 left shift key
5 C= key
4 right shift key
2 control key
bit 1 0 character mode
0 0 lower case
0 1 alpha mode
1 0 shift
1 1 control
2489 MSGPTR pointer to current function key
message string
248B OFFSET cursor pointers used by various
screen functions
248C CURPOS printing routines
248E SYSFREQ power line frequency :
0 = 60 Hz, FF = 50 Hz
2500 to 25FF (unused) this is a nice spot to hide some
Bank 0 custom code.
2600 to 2A3F BIOS8502 8502 BIOS code (see map of 8502
mode below for description)
2A40 to 2BFF (unused) another nice place to stash custom
2C00 to 2FFF VICSCREEN 40 column video RAM, also appears
in hardware I/O area and Bank 2.
(Note this is separate from normal
C-128 40 col video RAM at $0400
which is unused in CP/M mode
because it is under the Z-80 ROM.)
3000 to 3CFF CCPBUFFER An image of the CCP.COM hides here
during transient program execution
so that it can re-load instantly on
a warm boot when the transient
program is finished.
Note: 3C00 to 3CFF is also used during a cold boot as
3C00 BOOTPARM various flags etc used during cold
3D00 BANK0FREE BANK 0 free space which can be used
by transient programs, if properly
addressed. It extends to 98FF on
DEC and MAY versions, 97FF on MAY-
VT version, and 9BFF on AUG
version. Areas above about 6000
are primarily used by CP/M as
temporary directory and file
buffers and buffer control blocks
(BCB's). Programmers can use, but
beware of implications, especially
during file I/O.
Operating system areas:
Bank BDOS 9C00 9900 9900 9800
Resident BDOS EE00 EA00 EA00 EA00
Bank BIOS CA00 C700 C800 C600
Resident BIOS F400 F000 F000 F000
The 'Bank' portions are accessible in BANK 0 only, while the
'Resident' portions are accessible in either BANK 0 or BANK 1.
The MFM disk parameter table (DPT) is located at:
D876 to DA75 in the AUG version
D6BD to D8BC in the DEC versions
D860 to DA5F in the MAY version
D891 to DA90 in the MAY-VT version
The DPT contains the basic information to allow access to foreign
MFM disk types. Its structure is described in detail in the
document 'The Disk System'. In all versions of C-128 CP/M, the
base address for the DPT can be found directly by the pointer at
The other major component of accessing disk drives is the
extended disk parameter header or XDPH. This is the working area
used by the BDOS for actual disk access. When a disk is logged
in, the appropriate values are copied from the DPT to the XDPH
for general use. The drive table address which contains the
vectors to the XDPH for each logical drive can be found at
BIOS_BASE+D7. (This is not a documented vector location,
however, but merely a point in the BIOS DRVTBL routine which
happens to contain the address. The correct method to get the
drive table address is to use the BIOS DRVTBL function call
directly.) The DRVTBL is located at:
CP/M Version DRVTBL Location
The DRVTBL contains a series of address pointers to the disk
parameter header base address (DPH_BASE) for each logical drive
(A: to P:). If a drive is not physically supported (drives F: to
L: and N: to P:, and M:, when no RAM expander is present), the
drive table vector value is 0000. The default DRVTBL vectors
Vector points to:
A: FA6E FA82
D: FB13 FB27
For each drive the $37 byte long XDPH has the following format:
DPH_BASE-A pointer to the sector write routine for this drive
DPH_BASE-8 pointer to the sector read routine for this drive
DPH_BASE-6 pointer to the login routine for this drive
DPH_BASE-4 pointer to the initialization routine for this
DPH_BASE-2 physical drive assigned to the logical drive
according to values listed below under VICDRV.
DPH_BASE-1 secondary disk type byte from byte 2 of DPT entry.
DPH_BASE pointer to logical to physical sector skew table
(0000 if none)
DPH_BASE+2 9 bytes of scratch pad for use by BDOS
DPH_BASE+B media flag 0 if disk logged in, FF if disk has
been changed
DPH_BASE+C pointer to DPB values for this drive (contained
later in entry)
DPH_BASE+E pointer to CSV scratch pad area (used to detect
changed disks)
DPH_BASE+10 pointer to ALV scratch pad area (used to keep
track of drive storage capacity)
DPH_BASE+12 pointer to directory buffer control block (BCB)
DPH_BASE+14 pointer to data BCB
DPH_BASE+16 pointer to the directory hashing table
DPH_BASE+18 bank for hash table
DPH_BASE+19 DPT entry for this drive
DPH_BASE+2A maximum sector number and MFM lock flag (bit 7 on
if locked)
DPH_BASE+2B pointer to entry in master MFM DPT table
E000 Common_Free Free memory common to both BANK 0
and 1. Normally used by RSX
(resident system extension)
programs, as well as other
operating system shells and
extensions, and self re-locating
utilities such as SID, SUBMIT,
SAVE, GET, PUT, etc. Can be used
by experienced programmers if you
are aware of consequences, such as
possible crash when using another
program or RSX that also resides in
this area. Extends to E9FF in DEC
and MAY versions and EDFF in AUG
System Control Block (SCB):
The SCB is a temporary flag and storage area used for
communication amongst transient programs, the BIOS, BDOS and CCP.
It is $64 (dec. 100) bytes long , located immediately before BIOS
jump table, (DEC and MAY Versions EF9C to EFFF; AUG Version
F39C to F3FF) can be read or written with BDOS function 49.
Absolute* Byte Offset** Function
Address (from start of SCB)
xx9C 00 - 04 reserved for various system flags+
xxA1 05 BDOS version number (hex 31)
xxA2 06 - 09 reserved for user determined flags
(put your own stuff here)
xxA6 0A - 0F reserved for system use+
xxAC 10 - 11 16 bit program return code for
passing data to chained programs
xxAE 12 reserved for system use+
xxAF 13 default drive to return to after
completion of transient program.
(0 = A:, 1 = B:, etc.) The CCP
looks here during a cold or warm
xxB0 14 default user area for cold or warm
start (0 to F).
xxB1 15 - 17 reserved for system use+
xxB4 18 CCP program mode as set by the
SETDEF utility:
Bit 1 0 (filename name display)
0 0 do not display parsed
program name after
entering on command line
1 1 display parsed program
name after entry on
command line
Bit 4 3 (file search order)
0 0 only look to execute .COM
files (default)
1 0 look for .SUB type files
first, then .COM files if
no .SUB file. Do not
need to explicitly
specify SUBMIT to access
.SUB files. (eg. to
execute the file TEST.SUB
you can type in TEST
instead of SUBMIT
0 1 look for .COM then .SUB
xxB5 19 reserved for system use+
xxB6 1A screen width - 1 (set to 79)
xxB7 1B current column position on screen
(0 to 79)
xxB8 1C screen page length (24 lines per
xxB9 1D - 21 reserved for system use+
xxBE 22 - 2B assignment vectors for CP/M's
logical I/O devices. 16 bit value
used as follows:
bit device
f KEYS (input only)
e 80COL (output only)
d 40COL (output only)
c PRT1 (device 4 serial printer, output
b PRT2 (device 5 serial printer, output
a 6551 (not really supported, it was
supposed to be on an
external card which was never
9 RS232 (input or output)
8 to 0 not used
If a bit is on, then the physical device is assigned to
that logical device. Each logical device can have more
than one physical device assigned to it and each
physical device can be assigned to more than one
logical device. Logical devices and their assignment
vector locations are:
xxBE 22 - 23 CONIN
xxC0 24 - 25 CONOUT
xxC2 26 - 27 AUXIN
xxC4 28 - 29 AUXOUT
xxC6 2A - 2B LSTOUT
xxC8 2C Page mode 0 = display 1 page of data at
a time
1 = display continuously
(this is the annoying flag
that causes CP/M TYPE command
to say "press return to
continue" after each screenful
of data.)
xxC9 2D reserved for system use
xxCA 2E determines effect of CTRL-H.
0 = backspace and delete
FF = delete and echo
Default 0.
xxCB 2F determines effect of <delete>
0 = delete and echo
FF = backspace and delete
Default FF.
xxCC 30 - 32 reserved for system use+
xxCF 33 - 34 16 bit console mode flag (default value =
bit meaning
0 0 = return normal status for
BDOS function 11
1 = CTRL - C only status
1 0 = enable CTRL-S /CTRL-Q stop
scroll/start scroll
1 = disable stop/start scroll
2 0 = normal console output
1 = raw console output,
disables tab expansion, and
CTRL-P printer echo
3 0 = enable CTRL-C program
1 = disable CTRL-C
8 - 9 used for RSX's
xxD1 35 - 36 address of 128 byte scratch pad buffer,
points to EE6A on DEC and MAY, and F26A
on AUG.
xxD3 37 output string delimiter (normally $)
xxD4 38 LIST output flag 0 = console output
1 = echo output to
xxD5 39 reserved for system use+
xxD6 3A - 3B pointer to start of SCB (F39C on AUG or
EF9C on DEC and MAY)
xxD8 3C - 3D current DMA (disk buffer) address,
(default 0080)
xxDA 3E current default drive (0 = A:, 1 = B:,
etc.), set with BDOS function 14, but
reset to value from SCB+13 when CCP
regains control after a warm start.
xxDB 3F - 40 BDOS disk info flags. Contents vary
according to current BDOS function. For
example: Pointer to actual keyboard
input scratch pad area for BDOS console
input functions ; or if SCB offset
$41=$FF, then points to address of file
control block where an error occured.
xxDD 41 - 42 FCB flag
xxDF 43 last BDOS function exectuted (usually
used to find out where an error occured)
xxE0 44 current user number (0 to F), set with
BDOS function 32, but reset to value
from SCB+14 when ccp regains control
after a warm start.
xxE1 45 - 49 reserved for system use+
xxE6 4A BDOS multi sector count for read/write
xxE7 4B BDOS error mode: FF = system does not
error messages,
returns to current
FE = display error
messages, return
to current program.
0 = terminate
current program on
error and display
xxE8 4C - 4F Drive search chain: up to 4 drives can
be specified:
0 = current default drive, 1 = A:,
2 = B:, etc. If program or file is
not found on specified drive, the
search chain will be used and each
drive in the list will be tried in
sequence until it is found. Unused
spots filled with FF's.
xxEC 50 Temporary file drive: 0 = default, 1 =
A:, etc
xxED 51 Error drive: number of drive where last
I/O error was encountered (0 = default,
1 = A:, etc)
xxEE 52 - 53 reserved for system use+
xxF0 54 BIOS flag to indicate disk changed
xxF1 55 - 56 reserved for system use+
xxF3 57 BDOS flags: bit 7 set then system
displays expanded error messages
(default is set)
xxF4 58 - 59 date in days in binary since 1 jan 78
xxF6 5A hour in BCD
xxF7 5B minutes in BCD
xxF8 5C seconds in BCD
xxF9 5D - 5E start of common memory (E000)
xxFB 5F - 61 Jump to BDOS error handling routine (5F
is Z80 'JP' instruction, 60-61 is the
address according to:
DEC 997C
xxFE 62 - 63 top of user TPA (from vector at 0006 -
0007: entry point to BDOS)
Notes: * for AUG version, xx = F3, while for DEC and MAY
versions, xx = EF.
** for use with BDOS function call 50.
+ areas marked 'reserved for system use'
contain undocumented, unkown flags that are
used as temporary storage by a variety of
BDOS and BIOS routines.
BIOS Jump table:
(BIOS_BASE= F000 in DEC and MAY versions
F400 in AUG version)
(Note: the first byte of each group is a Z80 jump instruction to
the address contained in the next two bytes.)
BIOS Function number
BIOS_BASE+00 cold boot 0
BIOS_BASE+03 warm boot 1
BIOS_BASE+06 check CONSOLE input status 2
BIOS_BASE+09 read CONSOLE character 3
BIOS_BASE+0C write CONSOLE character 4
BIOS_BASE+0F write LIST character 5
BIOS_BASE+12 write AUXILIARY OUT character 6
BIOS_BASE+15 read AUXILIARY INPUT character 7
BIOS_BASE+18 move to track 0 on selected disk 8
BIOS_BASE+1B select disk drive 9
BIOS_BASE+1E set track number 10
BIOS_BASE+21 set sector number 11
BIOS_BASE+24 set DMA address 12
BIOS_BASE+27 read specified sector 13
BIOS_BASE+2A write specified sector 14
BIOS_BASE+2D check LIST status 15
BIOS_BASE+30 translate logical to phys sector 16
BIOS_BASE+33 check CONSOLE output status 17
BIOS_BASE+36 check AUXILIARY INPUT status 18
BIOS_BASE+3C get address of character I/O table 20
BIOS_BASE+3F initialize character I/O devices 21
BIOS_BASE+42 get address of disk drive table 22
BIOS_BASE+45 set# of log sectors to read/write 23
BIOS_BASE+48 force I/O buffer flush 24
BIOS_BASE+4B memory move 25
BIOS_BASE+4E get or set time 26
BIOS_BASE+51 select memory bank 27
BIOS_BASE+54 specify bank for DMA operation 28
BIOS_BASE+57 set buffer bank 29
BIOS_BASE+5A call user system functions 30
The following BIOS_BASE entries are not officially documented
vectors, but are merely part of BIOS routines which are located
at the same offset address for all versions of C-128 CP/M. They
can be checked for quick access to the specified system
parameters, but cannot be relied upon in cases of customized CP/M
BIOS_BASE+D3 to +D4 16 bit pointer (lo/hi byte) to physical
device table. This address is returned
by calling BIOS function 20. (points to
F7FD in AUG version and F3E1 in DEC and
DEVTBL = Physical device table, each entry is 8 bytes long
consisting of the following data:
device name (6 bytes, padded with spaces)
mode byte (1 byte)
baud rate (1 byte)
Mode byte flags* device function
0000 0001 device can do input
0000 0010 device can do output
0000 0011 device can do both
0000 0100 supports software selected baud rate
0000 1000 supports serial I/O
0001 0000 supports XON/XOFF
*Note : combinations of mode byte flags are used for each device,
such as :
%0000 0011 + %0000 0100 + %0001 0000 = %0001 0111
which means that the device can do both input and output, has
software selectable baud rates and supports XON/XOFF protocol.
Baud rate byte function
0 no baud rate
1 50 baud
2 75
3 110
4 135
5 150
6 300
7 600
8 1200
9 1800 Note: for all practical uses,
the C-128 CP/M mode
a 2400 will not reliably support
anything over 1200 baud
b 3600 because of software overhead.
c 4800
d 7200
e 9600
f 19200
C-128 physical devices are: KEYS, 80COL, 40COL, PRT1, PRT2, 6551,
and RS232
BIOS_BASE+D7 to D8 pointer to DRVTBL (List of XDPH addresses).
This address is returned by calling BIOS
function 22. It points to FBD1 on DEC and
MAY versions and FB78 on AUG.
FC00 to FD00 INTBLOCK This block contains all FD's. It
is the pointer to the main interupt
vector (FDFD). A hardware quirk of
the C-128 requires from FC00 to
FD00 to be all FD's else the low
byte of the interupt pointer
address will not be correctly
specified on the Z-80 address bus.
If you use this seemingly unused
area for your own programs, it will
crash on a random basis if an
interupt occurs, unless you disable
the interupts first with a Z-80
'DI' instruction. BEWARE!!
PARMBLOCK BIOS parameter working storage for passing to 8502
FD01 VICCMD BIOS 8502 command to execute
FD02 VICDRV device number to execute for printer, or
for disk i/o:
bit value drive
0000 0000 17xx expasion RAM disk
0000 0001 unit 8, drive 0 (default
drive A: and E:)
0000 0010 unit 9, drive 0 (default
drive B:)
0000 0100 unit 10, drive 0 (default
drive C:)
0000 1000 unit 11, drive 0 (default
drive D:)
1000 0001 unit 8, drive 1
1000 0010 unit 9, drive 1
1000 0100 unit 10, drive 1
1000 1000 unit 11, drive 1
FD03 VICTRK track number to execute disk operations
on, or secondary address for printer
FD04 VICSECT sector number for disk operations. For
MFM disks side 1, use $80 + sector #
FD05 VICCOUNT number of sectors to read/write for disk
I/O; or number of characters to print
on printer; or low byte of address to
jump to for custom 8502 code.
FD06 VICDATA various data/status items for disk and
printer; or high byte of address to jump
to for custom 8502 code.
FD07 CURDRV current logical drive using device A: (0
= drive A:, 4 = drive E:)
FD08 FAST drive type flags (updated after each
drive i/o operation),
bit = 1 drive is fast (1571 or 1581)
bit = 0 drive is slow (1541 type)
bit drive
0 A: (device 8)
1 B: 9
2 C: 10
3 D: 11
4-7 (not currently used)
FD09 KEYTBL pointer to key scan definition table
FD0B FUNTBL pointer to function key table (1000)
FD0D COLORTBL pointer to logical color table (13F0)
FD0F FUNOFFSET offset to current function key (0 if
FD10 SOUND1 parameters for ASCII bell sound
(CHR$(7)). FD10 is output to SID
register 5, FD11 to register 24.
FD12 SOUND2 FD12 is output to SID register 1, FD13
to register 6.
FD14 SOUND3 FD14 is output to SID register 4 to turn
on sound, then FD13 to register 4 to
turn it off.
The following storage locations are used by the general BIOS and
BDOS function calls. Values for BIOS 8502 storage (FD01 etc
above) are extracted from here for use by the 8502 routines:
FD16 @TRK track number used in BDOS and BIOS
FD18 @DMA address of disk data buffer
FD1A @SECT sector number used in BDOS and BIOS routines
FD1C @CNT number of sectors to read/write
FD1D @CBNK current bank (0 or 1)
FD1E @DBNK bank for disk data buffer (0 or 1)
FD1F @ADRV absolute drive code (0 = A:, 1 = B:,
FD20 @RDRV relative drive code (used to indicate
device number, same values as for VICDRV
outlined above)
FD21 CCPCOUNT # 128 byte records to load in CCP.COM
file, used during cold and warm boot
FD22 STATENABL general purpose status flags:
bit meaning when set to 1
7 allow 8 bit key codes (key values
above $80 will not result in
special functions defined in key
scan table)
6 track cursor on 40 col screen when
doing input on 80 col screen
5 to 1 (not used?)
0 display disk status on bottom line
of screen.
FD23 EMULATION pointer to screen emulation code address
(used to switch between VT100 and ADM31
modes on MAY version which has been
assembled with VT100 option enabled. It
can be pointed to custom code (in bank
0) for other types of emulation if
desired.) Points to D0C2 on AUG, CE21
on DEC , CF2C on MAY, and CD31 on MAY-VT
for ADM-31 mode or CEB8 for VT-100
FD25 USARTADR pointer to external 6551 address (DE00,
but not normally used)
FD27 INTHL temporary storage for CPU registers
FD3D INTSTACK interupts, BDOS and BIOS calls, etc.
FD44 SOURCEBNK source bank for inter-bank memory move
(0 or 1)
FD45 DESTBNK destination bank for inter-bank move
(0 or 1)
FD46 MFMTBLPTR pointer to MFM disk parameter table
(DPT), points to D876 on AUG, D6BD on
DEC, D860 on MAY, and D891 on MAY-VT.
FD48 PRTCONV1 pointer to character conversion routine
for PRT1 printer (normally ASCII to
PETSCII), not used on AUG, points D0AE
on DEC, D20F on MAY and D240 on MAY-VT.
FD4A PRTCONV2 pointer to character conversion routine
for PRT2, normally the same as above.
FD4C KEYFXFUNC pointer to dispatch table for executing
extended key codes functions F0 to FF,
Not used on AUG, points to CB4C on DEC,
CC4F on MAY, and CA4F on MAY-VT. This
table can be patched to add your memory
resident special functions, such as pop-
up routines and screen dumps. Default
dispatch table values are:
Key Code Execution Vector
F0 CB6C CC6F CA6F disk status
F1 CB8C CC8F CA8F pause
F2 CBBC CCC0 CAC0 track cursor
F3 CBC5 CCC9 CAC9 40 col screen
F4 CBCD CCD1 CAD1 40 col scrn
F5 CBDC CCE0 CAE0 unlock MFM
F6 CBC4 CCC8 CB09 ADM 31 mode*
F7 CBC4 CCC8 CB0E VT 100 mode*
F8 CBC4 CCC8 CAC8 (not normally used)
F9 CBC4 CCC8 CAC8 (not normally used)
FA CBC4 CCC8 CAC8 (not normally used)
FB CBC4 CCC8 CAC8 (not normally used)
FC CBC4 CCC8 CAC8 (not normally used)
FD CBC4 CCC8 CAC8 (not normally used)
FE CBC4 CCC8 CAC8 (not normally used)
FF 0000 0000 0000 reboot
* MAY VT version only.
Note: the following RS-232 locations are only applicable to
CP/M versions of DEC and later. The AUG version does
not support the RS-232 port.
FD4E XXDCONFIG RS-232 configuration register
FD4F RS232STATUS RS-232 status register
bit meaning
7 0 = ready to receive data
1 = not ready
6 0 = idle
1 = busy
5 0 = no data in buffer
1 = data in buffer que
4 1 = parity error
3 1 = framing error
2 1 = other error
1 1 = receiving data
0 1 = ready to send data
FD50 XMITDATA RS-232 sending data buffer
FD5F KEYGETPTR Pointer into keyboard buffer for next
keypress to retrieve
FD61 KEYPUTPTR pointer into keyboard buffer for
location to store next keypress
FD63 KEYBUF keyboard buffer (16 bytes)
FD73 RXDBUFCNT number of characters in RS-232 buffer
FD74 RXDBUFPUT temporary storage for RS-232 variables
FD76 RXDBUFFER RS-232 data receiving buffer (60
FDFD INTVECTOR main entry point to interupt routine
(jumps to F637 on AUG version, F517 on
DEC and MAY versions,)
FE00 @BUFFER 256 byte disk and general I/O buffer
used mostly by the RAM disk you can put
your own code here if it is ok to
overwrite when not in use
FF00 FORCEMAP MMU configuration register
FF01 BANK0 force to MMU value of 3F
FF02 BANK1 7F (default for TPA
FF03 IO0 3E
FF04 IO1 7E
FFD0 ENABLEZ80 8502 code to switch to Z-80 mode
FFE0 ENABLE6502 Z-80 code to switch to 8502 mode
BANK 1 : MMU configuration register value $7F, or preconfig
register #2 (FF02)
BANK 1 is the transient program bank. All transient programs
operate in this bank.
0000-0002 Jump to BIOS warm start entry BIOS_BASE + 3
0004 high nibble = current user number (0 to 0F hex)
low nibble = current default drive (0 to 0F hex,
0=A:, etc.)
0005-0007 Jump to BDOS entry point (address stored in 0006-
0007, points to EE06 on AUG, EA06 on DEC and MAY.)
Note: this address also marks the end of the TPA.
It can be artificially lowered for use by resident
programs such as RSX's.
0008-004F reserved for RST 1 to 7 functions but not normally
used in BANK 1.
(Note: Locations 0050 to 007B are set automatically by the CCP
when a transient program is loaded. The transient
program can then check this areas for parameters which
may have been passed from the console in the form of a
command tail.)
0050 drive from which latest transient program was
loaded, 1=A:, 2=B:, ... 16=P:
0051-0052 pointer to password of first operand in command
tail (points to a location in the CCP buffer
starting at 0080). It is set to 0 if no password
0053 length of first password. Set to 0 if no
0054-0055 pointer to password of second operand in command
tail. Set to 0 if no password specified.
0056 length of second password. Set to 0 if no
005C-007B default parsed file control block (FCB) area:
005C-006B initialized from first command tail
006C-007B initialized from second command tail
(Note: The FCB areas are normally 32 bytes long each. Thus,
the second FCB area must be moved to an unused area
before the first FCB area can be used or else it will
be overwritten.)
007C current record position for default FCB 1.
007D-007F current random record position for default FCB 1.
0080-00FF default 128 byte disk buffer and CCP input buffer.
On initial entry from CCP, 80 contains the number
of bytes in the command tail, and 81 onwards,
contains the actual command tail, including all
leading and trailing spaces that were entered on
the keyboard, all ending with a binary 0 byte.
0100-E9FF 58 k transient program area (TPA) DEC and MAY
(0100-EDFF 59 k TPA on AUG version)
E000-FFFF common with BANK 0 (top of TPA, also BDOS, BIOS,
BANK 2 : MMU configuration register value $3E, or preconfig
register #3 (FF03)
This bank, which I have arbitrarily called BANK 2, is mostly the
same as BANK 0 with the exception that the 40 column video color
and I/O are mapped into context:
1000 to 13FF VICCOLOR color map for 40 col screen
Note: This bank must also be in context to access the MMU
chip registers at D500 in the Z-80 I/O mapped area.
Z-80 I/O mapped area:
In addition to the normal memory mapping which includes RAM and
ROM, the Z-80 has another addressing mode which is called I/O
mapping. This is used to access the chip registers and is
similar to memory mapping except the Z-80 IN and OUT instructions
must be used instead of LD type instructions. The two most
commonly used ones are:
IN A,(C) which will read the value of the I/O port (chip
register) addressed by .BC into the .A register
OUT (C),A which will write the value of .A to the I/O port
addressed by .BC
In both cases, .BC is a 16 bit address and .A is an 8 bit value.
The C-128 I/O chips appear at their normal address locations in
the I/O area as outlined below and can be programmed directly by
the experienced user. Note that you must be careful when playing
with register values because CP/M expects most of them to be set
in certain ways. Changing these settings may cause a system
crash. If no chip register is present at the specified address,
the underlying RAM or ROM is written/read.
0000 to 0FFF image of RAM mapped down from D000 to
1000 to 13FF VICCOLOR color map for 40 col screen
Chip registers:
D000 VIC
D400 SID
D500 MMU
D600 8563 80 column chip
D800 VICCH VIC 40 col color map
DC00 CIA #1
DD00 CIA #2
DE00 external 6551 USART
DE00 TXD6551 (send and receive data register)
DE01 RESET6551 (write only)
DE01 STATUS6551 (when read)
DF00 RAM expander DMA controller chip
8502 mode
Surprisingly, the CP/M side of the C-128 also makes use of the
8502 side, including the KERNAL ROM's for some of the low level
I/O operations, especially serial port communication. In 8502
mode, RAM from 0000 to 01FF is common between the banks. Note
that this is different than normal C-128 mode which has common
RAM from 0000 to 03FF. The most important implication of this
routines for bank manipulation cannot be used because they all
rely on code which is no longer in common RAM (it is above 0200).
Once in 8502 mode, you can switch in the KERNAL and BASIC ROM's
by writing a value of 0 to the MMU configuration register, but
remember to switch them out again before returning to the Z-80.
Most of the memory map is similar to the Z-80 side with the
exception of the low end. This low end area is very similar to
that used in normal C-128 mode except as noted below.
BANK 0 : MMU configuration register value $3F, or preconfig
register #1 (FF01)
BIOS 8502 working storage
000A current printer device number
000B printer secondary address
000C disk drive data channel #
000D disk drive command channel #
000E disk drive device #
000F to 0012 temporary storage pointers
0013 to 008F unused zero page RAM where you can stash your
own 8502 code (pointers normally used in C-
128 mode, but not required in CP/M mode)
0090 to 00CA KERNAL pointers required for disk and printer
I/O same as C-128 mode
00CC to 00FF normally unused zero page RAM
0100 to 0200 various KERNAL pointers, 8502 stack, etc.
some unused locations but too chopped up to
put any custom code here.
0201 to 02FF basically unused, you can put some of your
custom 8502 code here if you wish
0300 to 0333 system vectors (same as C-128 mode)
0334 to 0361 unused?
0362 to 037F logical file tables
0380 to 09FF unused?
0A03 FF=50 Hz, PAL; 0=60 Hz, NTSC
0A1C serial bus fast flag
Other areas up to 0FFF are used sporadically. Large open spaces
exist in the cassette buffer (0B00 to 0BFF) and C-128 mode RS-232
buffers (0C00 to 0DFF). These can be used for custom 8502 code.
1000 and up common with Z-80 side in BANK 0.
The following area is used for the BIOS 8502 code when the 8502
is switched in during CP/M operations:
2600-2A40 BIOS8502 8502 BIOS code (all code here is in
standard 8502 machine language)
BIOS8502 function Jump Table Entry Points to code at
-1 reset 260F 2614 2625 262E
0 initialize 2611 2616 2654 265D
1 read 1541 2613 2618 2682 2690
2 write 1541 2615 261A 26B0 26BE
3 read 1571/81 2617 261C 26F9 2707
4 write 1571/81 2619 261E 26F6 2704
5 inquire disk 261B 2620 270E 271C
6 query disk 261D 2622 2740 274E
7 printer 261F 2624 2776 2784
8 format disk 2621 2626 27AC 27E2
9 user code 2623 2628 262B* 2634
a 17xx read n/a 262A n/a 2820
b 17xx write n/a 262C n/a 2823
* NOTE: there is an error in the code at 262B of the AUG
version.The byte value is $C3 and it should be $6C for
a JMP (xxxx). This means that 8502 BIOS subfunction 9
(jump to custom user 8502 code) does not work on the
AUG version unless you first correct this bug!!
BIOS8502 IRQ, BRK and NMI vectors point to 29AE on the AUG
version and 29F0 on the MAY and DEC ver. These point to dummy
code which does nothing. Other I/O vectors are unchanged.
BANK 1 : MMU configuration register value $7F, or preconfig
register #2 (FF02)
0000 to 01FF common with BANK 0
0200 to FFFF common with Z-80 memory map in BANK 1
Note: You cannot normally access the CP/M TPA zero page or
page 1 directly from 8502 mode because it is replaced
by the BANK 0 common RAM when the 8502 is turned on.